AllGFItems Wiki

May contain: Couple Mount: Carved Lace Eggshell Carriage Enchanted Pumpkin Carriage Joyous Gourd Carriage The above items come in both permanent and limited versions. Gaia's Blessing - Lv 4, Magic Alchemy Clay Lv 4 - 5 Enchantment, Lv 4 - 5 Sprite Enchantment Lv 4 - 5 Legendary Enchantment, Greater Blacksmith's Repair Mallet Craftsman's Sapphire Chisel, Sprite King's Blessing Level 1 - 5 Lv 1-5 Sprite Chief's Bliss of Production Intense Training Cracker Set, Fortification Clover, Alchemy Clover

"Let these charming two-seater carriages whisk you away to your own happily ever after!"
